


The nation is celebrating its 73rd Republic Day, 73 years of being a nation where everyone can exercise the rights they have, a government which is by the people, for the people, and to the people, where the citizens of the country can operate on their free will. It’s the time of the year to cherish our rights.

We at Whiz League are working relentlessly to contribute towards the greatness of our Nation by transfiguring the education sector of our Nation, changing lives, and making careers one at a time, because the seeds sown today are the ones we as a nation can reap tomorrow.

India, a country that is fueled by its youth which forms more than 60% of our population needs to utilize their full potential, but this is not possible with the lack of passion, dreams, and aspirations amongst the youth. Hence, the Whiz League has decided to be the flag bearer of bringing this change in society, and provide everyone a platform to chase their dreams.

 It is not an unknown fact that India is a land full of talent and culture, which runs in the veins of us Indians, but it’s the extraction of it where we may have lagged up to some extent. So this Republic Day, Join Whiz League in its mission to form a Republic of Learners, a platform where people can come to pursue their dreams by equipping themselves with skills required to make a career in the field of their passion.

A Republic of Learners, where everyone can come, explore, refresh, and pursue the careers that they are passionate about. All that matters are your skills, your talent, your persistence, and your motivation to make a career that you don’t need a vacation from. 

The Republic of Learners is a place where you can exercise the Fundamental Rights of Your Career. You can choose a career of your choice that you are passionate about, irrespective of age, gender, race, religion, or anything else that may divide us. The Right to Learn from the best, because who’s better to teach and guide you in your career than the ones who have already traveled that road and are already at the top. The Right to New Opportunities will help you boost and advance in your career while giving you an edge over the others. 

So this Republic Day, Celebrate the diversified talents and passions of the people of this country, let it be their passion for singing, acting, cooking, fashion designing, graphic designing, or starting a new venture to become an entrepreneur. Let’s cherish the true spirit of being a Republic Nation, a country where people are divided by their passions, but united by their talents, and let go of all the worries to pursue your passion in your Dreams Career with us.


Team Whiz League wishes you all a very Happy and Thriving Republic Day!